Iniovorua Pius owhorho | MyAfriArt ARTIST
INIOVORUA PIUS OWHORHO hail from Delta state Nigeria, he had his Primary and Secondary School Education in Benin city, Edo State after which he proceeded to Auchi Polytechnic Auchi, were he bagged Ordinary National Diploma (OND) in General Art and HND as a Painter in the Department of Painting Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi. He is a Semi-Abstract painter and an expressinist who uses Acrylic in his works to express human and cultural identities. Pius had exhibited in few exhibitions both solo and

Address: No. 5 Ayo idiaghe street evbomore quarters opp. S&T barrack isiohor,Benin city, Edo State.
Phone: 08061228339
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