Who I am | by Adeyemi Adewole

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Body art has been a form of self-expression for centuries. For some it may be a fashion statement, and for others, a tattoo may have religious, cultural or personal meaning. Whatever the reason, deciding to get a tattoo is a big decision that will leave permanent markings on your body. It’s important to know why you’re making this life-changing decision. This may seem obvious, but some teens get tattoos because of peer pressure, rather than truly wanting one. If your friends are pressuring you, step back and consider what you really want. If it turns out you don’t actually want a tattoo, your real friends will understand. It’s your body. Remember ,(your present situation is the result of your past decision) Always be who you are.


Category: Oil on Canvas
Worth: NGN300,000.00
Length: 0cm
Width: 61cm
Thickness: 2cm
Date: 2022-10-01 15:48:10
Status: Verified

Art is a loan collateral!