Man is complex | by Oyewole Oyelade

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Recently, I was contemplating on what exactly MAN is... You think you understand man? Nay! You can only see a man the way a man want to be seen. Yes, you be sincere with yourself. Are you really what you project yourself to be? Or.. What you want us to see. Are you really happy? Are you really the you that we think we know? That is when I come to the conclusion that... Human beings are composites—composites of good, evil, selfishness, altruism, pain, joy, high points, low points, and so much more. We are complex creatures that are not 100% good, but not yet 100% evil. Humans are not perfect, but it does not mean that we are inherently bad and cannot affect positive change in society.


Category: Mix Media
Worth: NGN200,000.00
Length: 0cm
Width: 52cm
Thickness: 1cm
Date: 2022-10-03 08:37:47
Status: Verified

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